The Beauty Of Ayurveda

Understanding Pitta Dosha With Anita Kaushal

Mauli Rituals

Are you determined and ambitious? Do you have a strong intellect but at times lose your cool? Join Anita on today's episode, as we dive into learning all about pitta dosha, the characteristics of this mind-body type and how to spot signs of imbalance within us. Explore ways you can get back into balance and how to work with your nature during pitta season, rather than against it. Anita shares how to practically apply Ayurvedic tools and wisdom to your own life, from reducing stress to soothing sunburn.

Enjoy the episode!

We love hearing from you - so please do ask us any and all of questions here and make sure to take Dr Kaushal's quiz to discover your dosha.  Read more about pitta season on our blog here